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Removing leaves from property

Seasonal Cleanups

Leaving your property a mess is not a good way to start off either the coming Summer or Winter season. Spruce Property Care takes care of all of your Fall & Spring property cleanup needs. Get in touch with us today. 

Seasonal Cleanup Services We Offer

Local Leaf Pickup

Do you leave piles of leaves sitting on your property with no means of getting rid of them? Spruce Property Care will add you to our route of regular leaf disposals. Call us when you have a pile of leaves at the front of your property and we'll dispose of them properly so you don't have to worry about hauling them to the dump, burning them, leaving them in a pile in the corner of your property, or simply letting them rot in your yard. Give us a call today for local leaf pickup and we'll take care of those leaf piles that you rake up.

Spring Cleanups

Take the stress out of Spring cleaning. At Spruce Property Care, we know that having a clean and healthy lawn enhances home curb appeal and gives customers a strong first impression of your business. Our Spring cleanings focus heavily on removing debris such as rotting leaves, broken branches, and litter. After a thorough cleaning of the property, we'll prepare mulch beds as well as prune bushes and trees. if requested. Contact Spruce Property care for our Spring Cleaning services.

Leaf Cleanups

What are the benefits of removing leaves from your lawn other than getting rid of the eyesore? When leaves fall on your lawn, they can often cover spots on your lawn which results in little to no sunlight reaching where the leaves have fallen and remained for a period of time. Removing leaves from your property is imperative to maintain your lawn and preserve all of the hard work that is put in to make your lawn look great. In addition to leaves preventing your lawn from getting proper amounts of sunlight, they can absorb water, nutrients, and fertilizers before they even reach the soil! If you're letting leaves build up on your property, think about the lasting effects it may have on the health of your lawn. Spruce Property Care takes point in full leaf removals for when your property is covered in leaves.

Summer Preparations

Winters around Acton, Maine can be brutal and the damage caused by plowing can also affect your soil. When the snow finally starts to melt you can get a better sense of what work needs to be done to fix any seasonal damage. Soil amendments and grounds repairs are sometimes necessary to prepare for the Summer season especially if you're considering regular maintenance of your lawn. Contact Spruce Property Care to get started with Summer preparations to start improving your lawn quality. 

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